WRCDV extends tremendous gratitude to everyone who contributed to an AMAZING Cathedral Giving By Design event.
We were so thrilled to be chosen as beneficiaries for the 2023 Cathedral Giving By Design show. The Cathedral at St. Philip has an amazing congregation who dedicated themselves to learning more about our work and how they could make our vision of a community center for families impacted by domestic violence come true.
We especially would like to thank event Co-Chairs Andi O'Bryan and Kathryn Howell, Sponsorship Co-Chairs Ann Matthews and Nancy Rizor, Honorary Chair Mary Mercer, Auction Chair Julie Rief, the generous event sponsors,
the designers who donated their time, the homeowners who volunteered their space, and everyone at the Cathedral of St. Philip who volunteered their time to make this event an amazing success. Your funds will help launch WRC into a new phase of programming, allowing us to reach even more children, families and women impacted by domestic violence.