Barbara Gibson, our housing services director, and Cassandra Velasco Adams, our director of children's programming, were recently published in Frontiers in Public Health.
In their article Stories of strength: uncovering innate resilience in domestic violence survivors with ACEs scores of four or more, Barbara and Cassie write:
Adults and children accessing services with the Women's Resource Center safehouse have experienced deeply personal, complex, and often intersectional trauma. Displaced by domestic violence, many families participating in the emergency housing program have an Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) score of four or more, based on the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. Anecdotal evidence suggests that body-based, resiliency focused interventions with participating families can help mitigate the impact of ACEs.
We encourage you to read the full linked article to learn more about our work and our strategies for addressing the impact of domestic violence trauma on individuals and families.