Jean Douglas, our executive director, spoke with Kiplyn Primus at Atlanta's WCLK 91.9 about Domestic Violence Awareness Month and our upcoming Candlelight Vigil.
"The Women’s Resource Center has its mission in its full name, The Women’s Resource Center to End Domestic Violence. I asked Douglas about their mission. She speaks to the mission being a lofty goal. She says that everyone agrees domestic violence is horrible, but it poses a societal challenge, and while changes are being made, they are small but incremental. Today, there is a lower tolerance in the acceptance of domestic violence.'
"I asked Douglas if there was a way to recognize the abuse when it started. The little thing that turns into something unmanageable. She speaks about romantic relationships where control and passion can seem like the same thing. Red Flags, such as isolating behavior, can be disguised as flattery."