Today's Atlanta Journal-Constitution published an interview with our executive director & housing services director about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on survivors of domestic violence and our services.
"Rahel Tsada made it into a metro Atlanta domestic violence shelter when there was still space.
"It was late 2019, and the mother of two was pregnant with her third and desperate to leave the children’s father. He’d kept her from fleeing his abuse, she said, by hiding her green card, passport, other important documents and family photos. Tsada, a native of Ethiopia, needed the documents to work or to rent an apartment. "The Women’s Resource Center in DeKalb County took Tsada and her children in. The resource center saved her. “'I feel like I have somebody who cares about me,' she said."
Read the full article here: https://www.ajc.com/life/health/unprecedented-ga-domestic-violence-shelters-struggle-amid-covid/ODHPDNWWINCYTHGUXZUPO2JIWU/?fbclid=IwAR2jFYGzO9akMLRWPvgaF-OsSaYnNYVaQKAPpo20PqcD00vKYUNjYELFUbc